We’re No Battery Removers in Crystal Lake
We're No Battery Removers in Crystal Lake

Recently I’ve had quite a few conversations with people highlighting one thing: pain. Many of these conversations brought light to the fact that pain was disruptive to people’s lives, and they were seeking relief from it. It is completely normal to feel this way, however this is where the conversation usually shifts. We teach our patients to ask “why?” and in this context, “why is my body in pain?”
The human body is an amazing, self healing machine. When the body is in pain, or is experiencing any other type of symptom, it is a sign that the brain is communicating effectively with the rest of your body. If we simply focus on removing the pain instead of acknowledging the root cause of it, we may never figure out why the pain continues to reoccur. Think of a firefighter responding to a fire alarm that is going off in your home because a fire has started. He arrives with all the equipment he needs to put the fire out, but instead, he simply removes the batteries from the fire alarm, and leaves. I imagine you wouldn’t be too happy! The annoying beeping sound has stopped, but the real danger was never addressed. As ridiculous as this example may seem, it is something that we see far too often. Even though people are equipped with the right tools to address the source of their pain, such as corrective chiropractic care, they choose to mask their symptoms by either only coming in to get adjusted when they are in pain, or with medication.
We have been incorrectly taught to quiet these symptoms so that they do not disturb or disrupt our busy lives. We are content when the fire alarm’s beeping stops, but then are surprised when our house inevitably burns down. This is because we continued to cover up all of the warning signs that were given to us until it was too late. Our bodies were made to be self-healing powerhouses. They send us signals, such as pain; so that we can respond correctly by removing the interference that is causing the pain, which in turn frees the body up to innately heal itself.
We teach our patients to recognize that pain is the downstream effect of something happening upstream. This is typically a result of instability due to subluxation, poor alignment, and bad spinal hygiene. We specialize in finding, correcting, and supporting the body in its self healing abilities. We’re no battery removers.
9:00am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Crystal Lake Family Wellness
4777 Northwest Highway Suite C
Crystal Lake, IL 60014
(815) 788-7504