The Opioid Epidemic in Crystal Lake
The Opioid Epidemic in Crystal Lake

The numbers are staggering when reviewing the destruction opioid medications have left in their wake. Millions are in pain in the United States alone, and the trusted advice is to treat this with pain medication. This must stop and I believe Chiropractic care can help. At Crystal Lake Family Wellness, we provide guidance with a chiropractic lifestyle so that our patients not only find relief from pain, but take that a step further and proactively take steps to reduce chronic problems arising in the future. A recent study found that those under chiropractic care saved an average of 85% less in prescription medication costs compared to those not under care. This is a huge amount especially when the following numbers are considered:
In 2016...
-116 people died every day from opioid related drug overdose
-11.5 million people misused prescription opioids
-42,249 people died from overdosing on opioids (think about that for a second, in one year, over 40 thousand people were taken from their friends and family too soon, because the message of helping with chiropractic could not be heard over the recommendations of pain killers)!
-$504 billion in economic costs
We have to do better. Give the office a call if you're looking in a side effect free, natural way to help.
Dr. Josh Young, your Crystal Lake Chiropractor
Crystal Lake Family Wellness
9:00am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Crystal Lake Family Wellness
4777 Northwest Highway Suite C
Crystal Lake, IL 60014
(815) 788-7504