The Best Version of You – Crystal Lake
The Best Version of You in Crystal Lake

Be the best version of yourself. You owe it to yourself. Your friends, family members, and loved ones deserve it. CrossFit is a superior fitness regime that has transformed the lives of millions unlike any other fitness movement. It makes us all the superhero versions of ourselves. Growing up, like many do, my parents were superheroes to me. What they were able to do was always larger than life. As we grow up out of childhood, things our parents do seem less and less superhuman, and more normal. As a new dad, CrossFit gives me the tools to be that superhero… because I know one day my daughter will look back at the things I do with a different perspective. Not that of a child but as an adult. When she is all grown up, my goal is that she still sees what I was able to do, as that of a superhero… the best version of myself.
The reason I love CrossFit and chiropractic is much the same. They are different tools that both seek a similar goal: the highest expression of ourselves, unlocking our full potential, and being the best versions of ourselves. Of course, chiropractic does this differently, not by 20 minute AMRAP’s, strength sessions, or death by burpees… but by removing interference on our nervous system caused by mechanical misalignments called subluxations. This is done by what chiropractors call adjustments. When our body is free of interference, our body is able to achieve and maintain homeostasis much more effectively. Or in English, our brain is able to continually give our body and organs perfect feedback to keep us healthy! It is no coincidence that the highest level athletes in the world are also chiropractic patients.
The difference between crossfit and chiropractic is this: in crossfit lack of fitness is visibly seen. Meaning in most cases, by looking at someone’s appearance it is fair to say you can roughly estimate how fit they are. Subluxations are not seen simply by looking at someone, unless exceptions apply such as a large scoliosis or posture distortion. But even then, because of the general perception of chiropractic being simply about pain relief, if a problem is not visible, or even if there is a large postural distortion, without pain, chiropractic is not seen as necessary. This is a huge thinking error and blind spot for most, and must be corrected if anyone hopes to be the absolute best version of themselves. Subluxations can be present WITHOUT pain. In fact, the worse the alignment of the spine is, the faster it degenerates (that’s a fancy word for aging!) Think of it this way: junk food can cause obesity or other various health problems… yet I can get up right now and go get a big mac, or smoke a cigarette, and I won’t instantly become obese or get lung cancer… but simply because I can’t see the problem or feel it happening does not mean it isn’t there. 70% of the time, the first symptom of the number one killer in America, heart disease, is a heart attack. No one knows what heart disease feels like developing until it’s too late. Now consider this, by the time pain is present, there can be potentially years of degeneration occurring prior. This means by the time there is pain; the spine can already be arthritic, and again it’s too late!
Be the best version of yourself, now and in the future. Get adjusted; take care of your spine just like you take care of your fitness and the rest of your body. The world needs you to be the best version of yourself, your family and loved ones deserve it, and you deserve it.
9:00am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Crystal Lake Family Wellness
4777 Northwest Highway Suite C
Crystal Lake, IL 60014
(815) 788-7504